Clinical Supervision
I am an International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals (iaedp™) Certified Eating Disorder Registered Dietitian and Approved Supervisor (CEDRD-S). I offer individual supervision for dietitians, therapists, health coaches and other health care professionals looking for consultation on complicated eating disorder cases. My speciality is eating disorder recovery with an intuitive eating and Health at Every Size approach.
Individual Supervision
Clinical supervision has been an asset for me over the years - I still participate in weekly supervision. You may be wondering, what is supervision? Why is it important?
Supervision is a safe, non-judgmental space for you to connect with a fellow dietitian (or other practitioner) who you admire and respect to discuss confusing and complicated cases. The field we work in is tough. And it's okay if we don't always know what to do. Peer supervision will allow you to think outside the box when supporting clients. I typically meet with "supervisees" monthly, but can meet more or less often depending on your needs.
You are a good fit for my supervision services if:
You're working toward your Certified Eating Disorder Registered Dietitian (CEDRD) certificate through iaedp
You're a new dietitian hoping to work with eating disorders
You're stuck on a case and would like guidance on what to do next
What can you expect?
50 min virtual supervision sessions
Discussing 1-3 client cases or questions each supervision
Navigating the CEDRD certification process
I can support you navigate cases in the follow areas:
All Eating Disorders
Healing from chronic dieting
Health at Every Size (c)
Intuitive eating
Body image
Working with college students
Athletes healing from disordered eating
Support groups
Navigating complicated families
Group Supervision
Coming soon!